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Magic Spell Candles, Black Candles, Chime Candle, Altar Candle
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Item description
This pack of 12 black magic spell candles are prefect for ritual use. It is believed that black candles can evokes a lot of power and helps to intensify you intentions.
Some say that candle magic is the oldest form of magic in the history of humans, and is recommended for anyone interested in Wicca, Magic, or other Occult practices. Ever since humans discovered how to control fire, we have been in awe of its power. Candles represent the best way to link this power in a concrete, material and simple way.
Our black altar candles, chime candles, are solid black all the way through (not dipped.) Each is approx. 4 inches tall and will burn for about 1 hour. Made from paraffin wax.